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MEDIANALI - International scientific journal of media, journalism, mass communication, public relations, culture and society

MEDIANALI - International scientific journal of media, journalism, mass communication, public relations, culture and society

MEDIANALI - International scientific journal of media, journalism, mass communication, public relations, culture and society

简  介:Medianali is international scientific journal for media, journalism, mass communication, public relations, culture and society. The first issue was published in March, 2007. Its print edition is published twice a year while digital edition can be reached at http://www.unidu.hr/medianali and in Hrčak data base (http://hrcak.srce.hr/medianali). The publisher is the University of Dubrovnik, recently founded higher education institution in Croatia which develops new study programs such as undergraduate study “Media, culture and society” and graduate studies “Media” and “Public relations” within Communicology department. University professors and associates, as well as the participants of the international scientific conference “Dubrovnik Media Days” started the journal in order to present research results, publish scientific papers and discuss important media, journalism, mass communication, public relations, culture and society issues. The journal promotes freedom of the press, journalists’ independence, public’s right to information, public relations, culture and society so as to improve mass communication, increase the level of media culture and develop civil society, all on grounds of ethical and responsible communication. The journal is mainly focused on social, information and communication sciences. It also accepts the papers which cover humanistic social science as well as interdisciplinary papers dealing with problems of communication, media culture and culture of society in general. Scientific papers are published either in Croatian or English while the title, summary and key words are both in English and Croatian. The journal is distributed to all science libraries in Croatia, to all institutions where journalism, media, public relations and communication are studied and to certain libraries in Croatia and neighboring countries.

  • 主管单位
  • 主办单位:Sveučilište u Dubrovniku
  • 创刊时间:2007
  • 出版周期:2
  • 地址:克罗地亚
  • 国际标准刊号:ISSN 1846-436X
  • 国内统一刊号:CN
  • 邮发代号
  • 单价
  • 总价